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Please click below for a link to recently published works. 

Summary of Academic Contributions

  • Total number of publications: 70

  • Oral conference presentations: 50, including 4 as an invited speaker

  • Non-peer reviewed articles (invited articles): 4

  • Conference papers: >100 (including papers at ISDE, DDW, Keystone Symposia, ANZGOSA, RACS ASC, PSOGI)

  • Book chapters: 3

  • Peer-reviewed research grants: 3, total > $300,000

Ongoing Clinical Trials

Trial 1

WATERLAND Trial - Studying the impact of normal saline vs. Ringer's lactate solution for the management of early, mild acute pancreatitis resuscitation.

Trial 2

The Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome (HOAM) Project - A study to investigate the optimal healthy gut microbiome across age and gender within the Australian demographic from the following perspectives: taxonomy, function, gene expression and metabolites. Please contact us or the UNSW Microbiome Research Centre for further information. 

Trial 3

POST Study - Para-Oesophageal Hernia Symptom Tool (POST), a prospective

multi-centre cohort study to identify the need and threshold for surgery and assess the symptom responset o surgery. 

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